Thiemann, M. (2024). Taming the cycles of finance? Central Banks and the rise of macroprudential regulation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Mertens, D., M. Thiemann and P. Volberding (eds). (2021). The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union: Industrial Policy in the Single Market and the Emergence of a Field. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Thiemann, M. (2018). The Growth of Shadow Banking: A Comparative Institutional Analysis. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Peer-reviewed articles
M. Thiemann, Buettner, T., and O. Kessler. Forthcoming. Beyond Market Neutrality? Central Banks and the Problem of Climate Change. Finance and Society
Coombs, N. and M. Thiemann. Forthcoming. Recentring Central Banks. Economy and Society
Thiemann, M. forthcoming. Growth at risk: Boundary walkers, stylized facts and the legitimacy of counter-cyclical interventions. Economy and Society
Thiemann, M and B. Stellinga. 2022. Between technocracy and politics: How financial stability committees shape precautionary interventions in real estate markets. Regulation and Governance
Mertens, D. and M. Thiemann. 2022. Investing in the single market? Core-periphery dynamics and the hybrid governance of supranational investment policies. Journal of European Integration 44 (1), 81-97
Thiemann, M. 2021. The Asymmetric Relationship of Central Banks to Market-Based Finance: Weighing Financial Stability Implications in the Light of Covid Events. Revue d’Economie Financiere. Volume 144, Issue 4, October 2021, pp. 191-201
Friedrich J. and M. Thiemann (2021). “The Economic, Legal and Social Dimension of Regulatory Arbitrage,” Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, vol. 11(2), pages 81-90 (Introduction to Special Issue)
Thiemann, M. and T. Troeger.2021. Regulating Tail Risks. Accounting, Economics and Law. A Convivium, vol. 11(2), pages 233-266
Thiemann, M., Raquel-Melches, C. and E. Ibrocevic. 2020. Measuring and mitigating systemic risks: How new Alliances of central bank and academic economists forge the transnational macroprudential agenda. Review of International Political Economy
Endrejat, V. and M. Thiemann. 2020. Reviving the shadow banking chain in Europe. Regulatory Agency, Technical complexity and the Dynamics of Co-habitation. Competition and Change
Birk, M. and M. Thiemann. (2020). Open for Business- Entrepreneurial Central Banks and the Cultivation of Market Liquidity. New Political Economy i-print, pp.1-18
Mertens, D. and M. Thiemann (2019). Building an investment state? The European Investment Bank, national development banks and European economic governance. Journal of European Public Policy, 26:1, 23-43
Thiemann, M. (2019). Is resilience enough? The macro‐prudential reform agenda and the lacking smoothing of the cycle. Public Administration, 97 (3):561–575
Endrejat, V. and M. Thiemann (2019). Balancing Market Liquidity: Bank Structural Reform between Growth and Stability Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 22 (3), pp. 226- 241
Thiemann, M., Birk, M. and J. Friedrich. 2018. Much ado about nothing? The regulation of repo-markets post-crisis. Koelner Zeitschrift fuer Soziologie and Sozialforschung 70 (1):259–286
Huetten, M. and Maman, D. and Rosenhek, Z. and M. Thiemann. (2018). Critical financial literacy: an agenda. The International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 9 (3), 274-291
Mertens, D. and M. Thiemann. (2018). Market-based, but state-led. The role of public Development banks in shaping market-based finance in the European Union. Competition and Change 22 (2) pp. 184–204
Thiemann, M., Aldegwy, M. and E. Ibrocevic. (2018) Understanding the Shift from Micro to Macro- Prudential Regulation: A Discourse Analysis. Cambridge Journal of Economics 2018, 42, 935–961
Thiemann, M. and J. Lepoutre. (2017). Stitched on the edge: Rule Evasion, Regulatory Embeddedness, and the Evolution of Markets. American Journal of Sociology Volume 122 Number 6 (May 2017): 1775–1821
Buettner, T. and M. Thiemann. (2017). Breaking regime stability? The Politicization of Expertise in the OECD/G20 process on BEPS and the potential transformation of international taxation. Accounting, Economics and the Law 7 (1), pp.757-782
Godart, F., Caravetta, F. and M. Thiemann. (2016). Task Complexity and Value Orientation: Exploring the Moderators of a Social Dilemma in Social Networks. Industrial and Corporate Change. Vol. 25 (5), p739-756
Thiemann, M. (2014). In the Shadow of Basel: How Competitive Politics Bred the Crisis. Review of International Political Economy. Volume 21, issue 6, pp. 1203-1239.
Thiemann, M. (2014). The impact of meta-standardization upon standards convergence: The case of the international accounting standard for off-balance sheet financing. Business and Politics, Volume 16 (Issue 1), pp. 79-112
Thiemann, M. (2012). Out of the shadow? Accounting for Special Purpose Entities in European banking systems. Competition and Change. Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 37-55.
White, H., Fuhse, J., Thiemann, M., and L. Buchholz. (2008). Networks and Meaning: Styles and Switchings. Soziale Systeme, 13 (2007), Heft 1+2, pp. 543-555. Reprinted in Replika (Hungarian Social Science Journal, thematic issue on the work of Harrison White)
Translated into Spanish:
White, H., Fuhse, J., Thiemann M. and L. Buchholz. 2011. Redes y sentido. Estilos e intercambios. In Ignacio Farías and José Ossandón (eds.) Comunicaciones, semánticas y redes, usos y desviaciones de la sociología de Niklas Luhmann Universidad Iberoamericana: Huixquilucan, Estado de México.
Weber, C. and M. Thiemann. (2007). Questioning Development Orthodoxy. New School Economic Review, 2 (Spring 2007), pp. 5-21
Articles and manuscripts under review
Friedrich, J., T. Kunkel and M. Thiemann. Revise and Resubmit, Accounting, Organization and Society
Mocanu, D. and M. Thiemann. Breeding “Unicorns”: Tracing the Rise of the European Investor State in the Venture Capital Market, under review at Competition and Change
Lepont, U. and M. Thiemann. The European Investor State: Genesis, characteristics and effects. Under review at Competition and Change
Thiemann, M. and S. Priester: The rise of macro-finance – Central bank economists and the impact of the financial crisis on the academic economic discourse. Under review at European Journal of Sociology
Book chapters
Mertens, D. and M. Thiemann. 2023. The European Investment Bank as the EU’s Climate Bank. Handbook on European Union Climate Change Policy and Politics, edited by Tim Rayner, Kacper Szulecki, Andrew Jordan and Sebastian Oberthür. Edward ElgarPublishing Ltd.
Thiemann, M. 2022. The benefits of network centrality: Central Counterparties, the enforcability of claims and the securing of extra-profits. In B. Braun and K. Koddenbrock (editors). Capital Claims: Power and Global Finance. Routledge: London
Mertens, D. and M. Thiemann. 2022. The European Investment Bank as the EU’s Climate Bank. Handbook on European Union Climate Change Policy and Politics, edited by Tim Rayner, Kacper Szulecki, Andrew Jordan and Sebastian Oberthür. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.
Benoit, C. and M. Thiemann. 2021. Regulation. In Seabrooke, L. (editor). Oxford Handbook of International Political Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Mertens, D., M. Thiemann and P. Volberding. (2021) Introduction: The Making of the European Field of Development Banking. In Mertens, D., M. Thiemann and P. Volberding (eds). The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union: Industrial Policy in the Single Market and the Emergence of a Field. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Rubio, E. and M. Thiemann. (2021) United in diversity? Interests, preferences and patterns of engagement of public development banks in the implementation of the EU budget. In Mertens, D., M. Thiemann and P. Volberding (eds). The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union: Industrial Policy in the Single Market and the Emergence of a Field. Oxford: Oxford University Press
M. Thiemann and P. Volberding (2021). The Rise of Bpifrance: The Rebirth of a
Dirigiste State?.In Mertens, D., M. Thiemann and P. Volberding (eds). The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union: Industrial Policy in the Single Market and the Emergence of a Field. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Mertens, D., M. Thiemann and P. Volberding. (2021) Conclusion: Development
banking and the future of European capitalism. In Mertens, D., M. Thiemann and P. Volberding (eds). The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union: Industrial Policy in the Single Market and the Emergence of a Field. Oxford: Oxford University Press
M. Thiemann. (2020). Is resilience enough? Why macroprudential regulation eschews the Regulation of the cycle. In Mader, P., Mertens, D. and N. van der Zwan (eds). Handbook of Financialization. Routledge: London
M. Nagel and M. Thiemann. (2019). Shifting frames of the expert debate: Quantitative Easing, international Macro-finance and the potential impact of Post-Keynesian Scholarship. Forthcoming. In Rochon, L.P. (ed). Advances in Post-Keynesian Economic Thought. Edward Elgar: London. Pp. 235-356
Ulf Moslehner, Matthias Thiemann and Peter Volberding. (2018). National Development Banks as Active Financiers: The Case of KfW. In Griffith-Jones, S. and J.A. Ocampo (eds). The Future of National Development Banks. Oxford: Oxford University Press; pp. 63-85
Huetten, M. and M. Thiemann (2018). Moneys at the Margins – From political experiment to cashless societies. In M. Campbell-Verduyn (editor). Bitcoin and Beyond. Palgrave: London, pp. 25 – 47
Aldegwy, M. and M. Thiemann. (2016). Zum Verständnis der Verschiebung von mikro- zu makroprudenzieller Regulieriung: eine Diskursanalyse. In Hanno Pahl et al (Hg.). Die Innenwelt der Ökonomie. Wissen, Macht und Performativität in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Springer VS Verlag.
Griffith-Jones, S. and M. Thiemann. (2015). Limiting financial crises: Demands upon the new financial architecture. In Friedl, W. and A. Kammel (eds.). The changing landscape of global financial governance. Brill Publisher: Amsterdam
Thiemann, M. 2014. Securitization Revisited (1): Inside the shadow banking system. In L. Dobusch, P. Mader and S. Quack (eds). Governance across borders. Transnational fields and transversal themes. Epubli: Berlin
Thiemann, M. 2011. Die Interaktionskultur freiberuflich tätiger Web-Designer in New York City – Unsicherheit, Verletzlichkeit und der bekannte Dritte. In C. Stegbauer and J. Fuhse (eds.) Kultur und mediale Kommunikation in sozialen Netzwerken. VS Verlag Hamburg, pp. 167-185
Thiemann, M. (2010). The role of trust in interactive hightech work – The case of Freelance Web-Designers in NYC.” In Gerbasi, A. and Latusek, D. (eds). Trust and Technology in a Ubiquitous Modern Environment. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publisher, pp. 107- 122.
White, H., Godart, F. and M. Thiemann (2010). Les bifurcations sont la règle et non l’exception: perspective sur les différentes formes d’incertitude.” In M. Bessin, C. Bidart and M. Grossetti (eds.) L’enquête sur les bifurcations. Les sciences sociales face aux ruptures et à l’événement. Paris: La Découverte. 2010. Pp. 291-307
Published in revised and extended form as:
White, H., Godart, F. and M. Thiemann 2014. Turning Points and the Space of Possibles: A Relational Perspective on the Different Forms of Uncertainty. In F. Depelteau and C. Powell (eds.). Relational Sociology: From Project to Paradigm Vol. 1. Palgrave: London
Designated contributor to chapters 5 and 6 in White, Harrison C. 2008. Identity and Control: How Social Formations Emerge. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, pp. 171-278
Chroust, J., Gaschler, U., Huber, W., Priester, S. and M. Thiemann 2006. Gesamtnetzwerkanalyse einer Grundschulklasse. In M. Hennig (ed.). Angewandte Netzwerktheorie, (Applied Network-Theory). Verlag Hamburg 2006, pp. 275-302
Review Articles and Book reviews
M. Thiemann. 2021. On the danger of economic transplants. Accounting, Economics and Law
M. Thiemann. 2021. The Political Economy of Private Law: Comment on ‘The code of capital- how the law creates wealth and inequality‘. Accounting, Economics and Law
Thiemann, M. 2019. On the constitutive effects of contingent associations. Book
review of Martijn Konings. Capital and Time. Finance and Society, 2018, 4(2): 193-98
Thiemann, M. (2017). Book reviewed: Marion Fourcade. 2009. Economists and Societies. Princeton: Princeton University Press. In Schlüsselwerken der neueren Wirtschaftssoziologie. Springer VS-Verlag
Thiemann Matthias, 2016. “The Power of Inaction or Elite Failure? A Comment on Woll’ “The Power of Inaction”,” Accounting, Economics, and Law: A Convivium, De Gruyter, vol. 6(1), pages 31-45
Thiemann, M. 2013. Book reviewed: B. Clift and C. Woll (Eds.). 2012. Economic Patriotism in Open Economies. London: Routledge, 2012. In Accounting, Economy and the Law (3), vol. 3, pp. 1-6.
Thiemann, M. 2012: Book reviewed: C. Bessy, T. Delpuch and Jérôme Pélisse. 2011. Droit et régulations des activités économiques: perspectives sociologiques et institutionnalistes. In European Economic Sociology Newsletter 13 (vol. 4), pp. 51-53
Thiemann, M. and P. Mader. 2012. The End of Financialization? Review of Krippner’s (2011). Capitalizing on Crisis” and Amato and Fantacci’s (2012). The End of Finance. In European Economic Sociology Newsletter Vol. 13, Number 3, pp. 36-39.
Thiemann, M. 2009. Is the whole more than the sum of its parts? Review of Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie – Ein neues Paradigma in den Sozialwissenschaften, VS Verlag fuer Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008. In Proto-Sociology, vol. 26/2009, pp. 262-271.
Non-peer reviewed articles and Working Papers
Endrejat, V. and M. Thiemann. 2018. Reviving the shadow banking chain in Europe. Regulatory Agency, Technical complexity and the Dynamics of Co-habitation. SAFE Working Paper No. 222
Ibrocevic, E. and M. Thiemann. 2018. All Economic Ideas are Equal, but Some are more Equal than Others: A Differentiated Perspective on Macroprudential Ideas and Their Implementation. SAFE Working Paper 214
Thiemann, M. and M. Nagel. 2018. Mobilising Private Investment: Development Banks and the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships. Bread for the World Working Paper
Friedrich, Jan and Matthias Thiemann. Capital Markets Union: the need for common laws and common supervision. Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung volume 86 (3), pp. 5–20
Thiemann, M. and P. Volberding. 2017. Mobilising Private Investment: Development Banks and the Promotion of Public-Private Partnerships. Bread for the World Working Paper
Thiemann, M. 2016. Capital markets union and the threat of regulatory competition Foundation for European Progressive Studies, September 2016
Thiemann, M. and J. Friedrich. 2016. Drawing the line: The Political Economy of Off- balance sheet financing. European Economic Sociology Newsletter. Vol. 17, Iss. 2, pp. 7-16
Aldegwy , M. and M. Thiemann. 2015. Stuck in Pseudo Optimization? The shift to macroprudential regulation and the dangers of pseudo-optimization. Papers in Evolutionary Political Economy. Peer-reviewed Working Paper Series, p. 1-39
Thiemann, M. and M. Birk. 2015. The Regulation of Repo Markets: Incorporating Public Interest through a Stronger Role of Civil Society. Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe White Paper No. 25
Thiemann, M. and S. Griffith-Jones. 2014. Limiting financial crises: Demands upon the new financial architecture. Bread for the World Analyse 47.
Godart, F., F. Caravetta and M. Thiemann. 2013. Task Complexity and value orientation: Exploring the Moderators of a social dilemma in social networks. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings
Thiemann, M. 2013. In the Shadow of Basel: How Competitive Politics Bred the Crisis. FEPS Working Paper, pp. 1-43
Griffith–Jones, S., S. Spiegel and M. Thiemann. 2011. Recent developments in regulation in light of the global financial crisis: implications for developing countries. IPD Working Paper
Thiemann, M. 2011. Regulating the off-balance sheet exposure of banks pre- and post crisis. FEPS Working Paper, pp. 1-43.
Griffith-Jones, S., Silvers, D. and M. Thiemann. 2011. Turning the financial sector from a bad master to a good servant; the role of regulation and taxation. Fondations Européens Progressiste Queries No 1 (4)/2011, pp. 16-38.
Griffith-Jones, S., Thiemann, M. and L. Seabrooke. 2010. Taming Finance by Empowering Regulators-A Survey of Policies, Politics and Possibilities. Discussion Paper UNDP- Poverty Reduction Programme, pp. 1-35.